Security System

CCTV and Survelliance System Installation

Advancement in technology has both its pros and cons. One of the major benefit provided by technology is the introduction of CCTV system that has eased our life by providing proper security as well as monitoring. We analyze the customer needs and on that basis design a CCTV system . By the requirement of our customer then we decide on what kinds of camera (DVR,NVR,IP camera) they need. Any problem related to old cameras can also be solved here.

Automated DoorLock

Smart lock is a techno-mechanical lock designed to lock and unlock a door when it receives these instructions from an authorized device using a wireless protocol and a cryptographic key to perform the authorization process. It also monitors access and sends warnings about the different events and other critical events related to the device's status.

Video Door Phone

Video Door Phones (VDP) are intercom systems that are used to make calls from the entrance of a building/organization in order to communicate with guests without any physical interaction. These devices not only improve Home/Office security, but are also of great convenience when combined with the home automation system.

Biometric Device (Thumb Attendance)

A Thumb impression attendance system includes hardware that scans a person's thumb impression and a software application that matches the scanned impression against the historically collected sensation that has been stored throughout the enrollment period well into the created-in bio-metric database.